Teachers have always been the heroes of every community. Watching over us as we explore new surroundings and guiding us along the path of knowledge.

At SoaPen, teachers have influenced us heavily. Not only have they shaped us as people and creatives, but they’ve also had a lot of say in the product and how it has developed. Early on, during our visits to the school, we realized that one of the main reasons that students were not allowed to wash their hands frequently was because the process took a really long time. The soap, typically liquid soap, was locked in storage in the classroom as the authorities were scared of stealing and over squeezing of the soap. Thus, teachers had to assist the child to the bathroom every time that they had to wash their hands.

We presented SoaPen to them as a tool that can be kept and used within the classroom as well as be used as a teaching tool! The children or the teacher could draw on each other’s hands. The team watched as the teachers went beyond our expectations with their creativity. The teachers used SoaPen as a tool to teach the regular academic curriculum. Earlier in the morning, the whole class had got a lesson in numbers 1 to 20. ‘Count on Me’ was a fun activity that paired students and allowed them to draw any of the numbers they learned on one other’s hands.

It was amusing to watch students mirror digits as they drew on the left and right hand. Once the activity was complete, children were asked to announce the number on their hand, thus also testing what they learned in the morning.

Using SoaPen, children washed away their germs- and some, their math woes.